Honey Marmalade 340g


Honey Marmalae
I make three delicious marmalades with honey. 
In January Seville oranges are in season with their wonderful bitterness and wrinkly imperfect skins.  I've made marmalade for a long time with an old recipe which uses white cane sugar.  Recently I have adapted the recipe substituting most of the sugar with our honey and the result is a bitter sweet marmalade which is even more delicious.  A great way to start the day.  
The second honey marmalade is Grapefruit with Campari.  The bitterness of grapefruit works well in marmalade and is perfectly complimented with Campari's bitter sweet decadence.  A grown up preserve in every sense. In 2021 this marmalade won a Silver in the Original Marmalade Awards.  The judges commented: 'richly coloured jelly packed with fruit and peel', 'a delicious grapefruit marmalade', 'there is a good bitter/sweet balance to the fruity grapefruit flavour'
Lastly, I make Pink Grapefruit marmalade without the addition of Campari - the same recipe minus the Campari for those who prefer unadulterated grapefruit.


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